Item # 830-RV-150, Model 830-RV Diaphragm Relief Valves
This self-contained, spring loaded diaphragm pressure relief valve is self-operated and requires no air pressure or other outside power source to function. Available in sizes 1/2" through 8" in a wide variety of body materials, linings and diaphragms and with pressure relief settings from 10 to 150 psig.
Ideal for applications such as the protection of piping systems of plastic or glass against over-pressure, pipe line surges and water hammer, to isolate equipment which might be damaged by vacuum conditions, to maintain a liquid head in a pump discharge line or to replace or protect rupture discs in hazardous or corrosive processes.
The valve will relieve at a preset pressure, then reseat itself automatically when safe working pressure is restored. Adjustment from the original pressure setting is provided within the following limits; plus or minus 20 psig. if the original setting is 30 psig. or higher. If the original setting is 10 psig. the adjustment available is plus 20 psig. minus 0 psig.
The 830-RV is not a pop-safety valve and therefore it does not provide full pop-open action but will gradually open on a rising pressure and gradually close on a falling pressure. Upon reseating, bubble-tight closure usually results at 3 to 10 psig. lower than the relieving set pressure depending on whether the set point is extremely high or low.